3-5-22 - Putnam Place
Saratoga Springs, NY
I: Hell in a Bucket, Cold Rain & Snow^, Looks Like Rain$, Dupree's Diamond Blues, Shape I'm In*, Might as Well, Corrina^ > They Love Each Other, Lost Sailor > Saint of Circumstance, Feel Like a Stranger
II: Lovelight > Man Smart, Woman Smarter, Uncle John's Band > Shakedown Street, Terrapin Station > Playin' in the Band > Midnight Moonlight > Playin' in the Band
Encore: Magnificent Sanctuary Band, Touch of Grey
$ "Dear Prudence" (Beatles) teases
* The Band
@ "Walk this way" teases (Aerosmith)
^ Includes thanks to owner of "No Fun" guitar for lending it to Mike Urbon for the show. History lesson on the guitar given by Murbon - it was used 83-85 with the Dead (along w/ Bobby & The Midnights, Kingfish, it played by Joe Walsh, Bob Dylan, etc...)
Bob Weir's original "No Fun" Modulus Graphite Blackknife guitar was used for the entire show by Mike Urbon